The wonderful, awesome, terrific and extremely talented Mônica at Art | Books, Arte | Livros has nominated the awed, honored, stunned and quite frankly tickled pink Rapture Pet Sitting for an award. Mônica has been so inspirational and supportive, I cannot thank her enough and all the other artists who give me an inkling of hope that I may rise to their stature.
Thank you Mônica!!!
Here are the rules: 1-Display the logo on your blog
2-Link back to the person you received the award from.
3-Nominate 7 other blogs
4-Put links of those blogs on yours
5-Leave a message on their blogs so they know they've been nominated.
Now for my picks, which are by no means the only ones, in no particular order,
Mônica at Art | Books, Arte | LivrosVal at ValGal Art
Krisztina at Sketchpause
Linda at Sketched Out
Connie at Drawing to an End
Laurel at Studio LoLo
Bella at Bella Sinclair