Friday, August 13, 2010

llustration friday - star gazing

kitten thought we were going star "grazing" they are made out of cheese after all


Unknown said...

This is lovely, fits the theme beautifully, I love your blog too the cats are super cute! I will be following your blog from now on!

Bobo said...

Oya, the ideal place for star gazing, on a boat! The rabbit on the moon reminds me that the mid-autumn festival is coming soon!

MrBibleHead said...

hehehe! Great one Erin! Your kitty ROCKS! I don't know how I missed it but he's great in your caged illo as well. Great stuff. God bless.

valerie walsh said...

tee-hee! kitty has food on the brain :D love this erin!

yati davies said...

aaaaaawwww.... too cute!