Wednesday, May 18, 2011

illustration friday - safari

Kitty on a backyard safari.
Okay this is an oldie but I'm running out of time this week and missed last week. We're getting ready to head out to the left coast to visit my perfect niece, apparently the rapture is supposed to happen while we're on the plane, hope the pilot is a sinner.


Rabbit Town Art said...

So adorable! Puffy cats are always a win for me!

Majoni's Illustrations said...

It think it's very cute!

Ted Blackman said...

Wait, since you're concerned about your pilot... does that mean you are a sinner, too? If the pilot is taken you wont be there either, right? But if you're still on the plane and he's taken.... This rapture thing invites all kinds of speculation, doesn't it? hmmmmmm

Ted Blackman said...

Oh yeah, funny kitty, but he should be named furball.

AtelierBrigitte said...

It is always good to see a Kitty-illustration! Lovely.