Wednesday, November 30, 2011

illustration friday - round

Of course I had to post my little round furball for this week's illustration friday.

A little late in posting this week as I have been busy with a book for my niece (a couple illos from it below) and of course my hubby made it home safe for the holidays, yay.


anne sara said...

Your submission is super cute!:)I would like to cuddle it!

Cindy D. said...

Yay, kitty in a cup! The other illustrations are so cute, too. Love the monkey with the maracas, and his neat shadow.

ale balanzario said...

so cute!!

Mônica said...

Always fun to see your little kitty make an appearance! And I didn't realize you were working on a book for your niece, how cool! (I know, I haven't been blogging much!)

The illustrations look adorable! And I'm happy to hear your hubby made it home safe!

AtelierBrigitte said...

Love little kitty in her cup!